Moskovkin Russkij Yazik

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Increased interest towards studying the Russian language in China evokes the interest of Chinese teachers of the Russian language to educational and methodological materials created by their Russian colleagues. First and foremost, Chinese philologists are interested in nationally oriented textbooks. In this article, we discuss the main features of grammar in Russian textbooks aimed at Chinese students who are just beginning to learn Russian. This paper compares nationally oriented textbooks “Road to Russia” Part I and “Textbook on Russian for the Speakers of Chinese,” as well as popular non-nationally oriented textbooks for beginners “Progress” and “Russian Language. Textbook for Foreign Students of Preparatory Faculties.” The textbook “Methodology of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language in a Chinese Classroom” is considered from the point of view of methodology. We also pay great attention to the main features of the methodology of teaching Russian verbs by Russian colleagues, including the verbs of movement.

In Tajikistan, Russian is the language of inter-ethnic communication under the Constitution of Tajikistan and is permitted in official documentation. 28% of the population was fluent in Russian in 2006, and 7% used it as the main language with family, friends or at work. Moskovkin, Leonid / Kapitonova, T. 13,00 € Posobie adresovano studentam, nachinajuschim izuchat russkij jazyk, i prepodavateljam russkogo jazyka iz Ispanii i stran Latinskoj Ameriki, a takzhe rossijskim prepodavateljam russkogo jazyka, kotorye. Novij prakticheskij kurs kitajskogo yazika 2 pdf.