1000 Megapixel Photo Download

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This is a mosaic of the lunar surface taken in 2010 from space. You can view it online or download the.tif file. It is in black & white and is 24,000 by 24,000 pixels, 576 MP. Info: For two weeks in mid-December 2010, the LRO spacecraft (NASA) remained nadir looking (straight down) so that the LROC Wide Angle Camera (WAC) could acquire 1300 images, allowing the LROC team to construct this spectacular mosaic. As the Moon rotated under LRO's orbit, the ground track progressed from east to west (right to left in this mosaic), and the incidence angle at the equator increased from 69° to 82° (at noontime the incidence angle is 0°). Here is a 1000x1000 pixel crop and the full image at 1000 pixels showing where the crop was cut.


May 24, 2015  365-Gigapixel Panorama of Mont Blanc Becomes the World’s Largest Photo. May 24, 2015. Scm xilog 3 5. Michael Zhang. The photo is 45 gigapixels larger than the previous record-holder.